Field Trips and Special Activities
Because field trips are proven to be a sound teaching device.
The four-year-old classes take field trips related to their units of study. Transportation is provided by the Redeemer school bus.
The four-year-old classes visit places such as the fire station, the theater, and local parks.
The toddler, two, and three-year-old classes have special activities and presenters come to the school campus for in-house field trips.
The toddler, two, and three-year-old classes have special activities and presenters come to the school campus for in-house field trips.
A few of the special presentations for our younger classes include a petting zoo, train rides, a mobile planetarium, and talks from firefighters, police officers, and doctors.
Our school year is full of special activities and events designed to create many fun-filled memories for students and their families.
Class Parties
Teachers organize class parties around numerous holidays throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to attend & assist with these parties.
Grandparents' Day
Each year a school-wide Grandparents' Day is held. Students are encouraged to invite a grandparent or special loved one to attend. These special visitors have an opportunity to participate in a special chapel, book fair, reception, photos, and classroom activities with the students.
School Spirit Weeks - Rattler Road to Excellence Week (Oct.) and Lutheran Schools Week (Mar.)
Twice a year we have a School Spirit Week in which we celebrate the blessing of our school. Special activities are planned and fun dress-up days are included. Students and teachers enjoy dressing a little "differently" than they do most school days. Some past dress-up days include Crazy Hair Day, Favorite Team Day, Decade Day, and Camo Day.
Preschool Graduation & Closing Ceremony
Our school year concludes each year with a special program in which all of our preschool students perform and participate. It is an awesome culmination of a fabulous year!