MS: Curriculum
Redeemer's curriculum meets or exceeds the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards.
Redeemer students do not take the STAAR test. Redeemer does administer the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) yearly as another means to track student progress, but it is not used for pass-fail purposes.
Redeemer uses Chromebooks for most textbooks to allow for more flexibility and creativity with projects and assignments. Students are taught to research topics and work collaboratively to solve problems using this educational tool. Families may supply their own iPad, but we also offer the option to buy one for a discount or rent one from Redeemer.
6th Grade Courses
Mathematics: 6th-grade math (on-level) or 7th-grade math (advanced)
Science: Life Science
History: World History
Spanish: 6th-grade Spanish, which builds on content from 5th-grade Spanish classes
Religion: The Book of Genesis
Language Arts: 6th Grade Language Arts, on-level and advanced options (Elements of Story, Personal Narratives, Intro to Literary Analysis, Intro to Research)
Physical Education: Twice weekly (split Boys/Girls), with once a week recess time
Electives: Choice of 2 each semester
7th Grade Courses
Mathematics: 7th-grade math (on-level) or Pre-Algebra (advanced)
Science: Earth Science
History: Texas History
Spanish: Spanish 1A, high school level Spanish (must complete 7th & 8th for full credit)
Religion: Old and New Testament
Language Arts: 7th Grade Language Arts, on-level and advanced options (Structure and Elements of a Story, Drama Interpretation, Literary Analysis, Comparison and Contrast, Continuation of Research)
Physical Education: Twice weekly (split Boys/Girls), with once a week recess time
Electives: Choice of 2 each semester
8th Grade Courses
Mathematics: Pre-Algebra or Algebra
Science: Physical Science
History: United States History
Spanish: Spanish 1B, high school level Spanish (must complete 7th & 8th for full credit)
Religion: Life of Christ and Christian Living
Language Arts: 8th Grade Language Arts, on-level and advanced options (Advanced Structure and Elements of a Story, Advanced Literary Analysis, Analytical Writing, and Mastery of Research)
Physical Education: Twice weekly (split Boys/Girls), with once a week recess time
Electives: Choice of 2 each semester
Electives are subject to change and may include additional costs. Examples of recent electives include:
Fine Arts – Band, Choir, Praise Band, Watercolor Wonders, WORDart, Dance Leaders, Middle School Musical, and Photography
Technology – Robotics, Advanced Robotics, Animation Studio, Advanced Media Technologies
Other – Speech, Health, GameTime, Office Assistant, History of Cinema, Study Hall
Graduating students who complete the advanced classes can earn high school credit in the following areas:
Algebra I
Spanish I (must take 7th & 8th Grades for full credit)
Testing and Academic Support
Redeemer can provide limited resource support for a few students in each class who need a 504 or IEP. We encourage you to inquire to discuss what type of support your family needs and if Redeemer is equipped to assist your student!